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Schema Therapy Associates - leading providers of Schema Therapy Training

Mastering Microskills in Schema Therapy

through Deliberate Practice


facilitated by Dr Tara Cutland Green

This programme of 7 x 1 hour 50 mins sessions, compliments core Schema Therapy (ST) training and supervision. You will zone in on key moments in ST, having space to fine-tune skills through practising them in detail. It also provides an opportunity to develop your own ‘voice’ and style, to become more authentically you as you offer Schema Therapy.

Highly recommended if you are pursuing ISST certification.

Exercises are modified to match your personal skill level and preferred degree of challenge, so whether you are relatively new to Schema Therapy (you will need to have attended some foundational training) or an experienced, advanced schema therapist, this is for you! 

Priced to be accessible at just £280.


What is ‘Deliberate Practice’?


‘Deliberate practice” is an evidence-based method, shown to improve performance in an effective and reliable manner.’

- Deliberate Practice in Schema Therapy (Essentials of Deliberate Practice). Behary et al, (2023)

In each session you can expect a supportive, playful, experimental setting (over Zoom) in which you will:

  • have the elements of each key skill outlined

  • see it demonstrated, live

  • have a go at the skill in a role-play trio / pair, choosing your preferred level of challenge

  • reflect and receive (and later give) encouragement and supportive feedback

  • have another go - as many times as you like / have time for!

This learning method is designed to grow your competence to a level where you can remain attuned and responsive to your clients whilst naturally and flexibly providing therapy. It aims to move skills into your procedural memory, so you can access them when you’re tired, stressed or triggered.

To find out more, check out this website: and/or read ‘Deliberate Practice in Schema Therapy’ by Behary et al, 2023, a book that you will need to purchase to participate in this programme.


Which skills are covered?


This programme focusses on ST skills in the therapy relationship and integrating these flexibly across a session. One skill is covered per session.

1.  Linking unmet needs, schemas and presenting problems

2.  Supporting and strengthening the Healthy Adult mode

3.  Recognising mode shifts

4.  Limited reparenting for the demanding/ punitive inner critic mode

5.  Limited reparenting for the angry and vulnerable child modes

6.  Limited reparenting for the maladaptive coping modes: empathic confrontation

7.  Implementing behavioural pattern breaking through between-sessions assignments


What do participants say?


“I feel better equipped to do Schema Therapy”

“It’s so good to get feedback; [role-play partner] has just pointed out a process I wasn’t aware of”

“Having … a little bit of a script that you can hang onto in the beginning but as you get more confident you can weave it into the way you would use it in your language is really useful”

“Linking up [my] knowledge with the actual practice has felt quite helpful”

“…having a go at something, getting feedback, having another go, doing something slightly differently and it really works! … using it like a little lab, an experiment going on.”

“…seeing how other people deal with stuff… little phrases they use or particular things and you think ‘I’ll nick that!’”

“I didn’t know how to link which kind of skill to which context of therapy… [this training] really helped with this”

“It’s nice having a week’s space between sessions to incorporate what you’re learning into your practice”

“I can already feel its direct impact on my practice.”